Saturday, March 10, 2012


HBO has done it again! Only HBO can be counted on to do a first class adaptation of the best seller GAME CHANGE. I read the book when it was released and was mesmerized by the story behind both the Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin campaigns for President of the United States. Unlike the book, the movie adaptation is kept strictly to the goings on on the Republican side of the campaign. And it is just as memorizing as the book was.... Julianne Moore plays Sarah Palin and is in a word, spectacular! It is my favorite performance from this brilliant actress and I sincerely hope that she starts writing her award acceptance speeches soon. She is not doing an imitation of Palin which would be so easy to do. Ms Moore simply becomes Sarah Palin. Nothing more, nothing less. There are moments that you genuinely feel pity for this woman thrown into the limelight with no warning. The physical resemblance between Palin and the actress Julianne Moore in real life is hardly identical, but with the magic of the movies there are certain shots where the resemblance is breathtaking, which adds to the humanity of Ms Moore's performance. Ed Harris plays John McCain. His portrayal is crusty, foul-mouthed and filled with heart. A side to McCain is seen that makes it clear that he wanted to run this campaign clean and fair, until Palin's inadequacies caused him to get in the sandbox and play dirty. Woody Harrelson proves again that given the right material, he's a hell of a dramatic actor. GAME CHANGE is a thrilling book that kept me up nights and it has been adapted into a first class Event for television. And again, whether you are an Elephant or a Donkey, in a blue state or a red state, no one but NO ONE should miss what is likely to be the television performance of the year being given by Julianne Moore.

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