Saturday, March 10, 2012

Movie Review-----SILENT HOUSE

Let me start by saying that I didn't go to the Cinema to see SILENT HOUSE. I went with friends to see JOHN CARTER. About 15 minutes into JOHN CARTER, I realized that if I remained in that theater I would come out aggravated and probably friendless. So I walked into the lobby to see what I could go see instead and the only movie that was starting that would be over by the time my friends got out was SILENT HOUSE. Now, I had read a few things about SILENT HOUSE and was intrigued. So I wasn't sad to take my seat alone in the theater. And I mean ALONE. The gimmick to SILENT HOUSE is that it is a thriller in real time. The 88 minutes unfold in what the filmmakers would like you to believe is one solid uncut take. And that is truly the most interesting thing about the film. I tell you, if there WAS a cutaway shot, I didn't see it. It's impressive. It's the story that loses speed and interest. And the movie is only 88 minutes long. A young girl is helping her father and uncle rehab a home. She gets left inside the house alone and strange things start to happen. That's as much as I will say so those of you unfortunate few who chose to waste your time and money on SILENT HOUSE can have even a wee bit of surprise to look forward to. SILENT HOUSE wants to be another BLAIR WITCH or PARANORMAL ACTIVITY. But it's just weak. Elizabeth Olsen is impressive as the victimized teenager, but the movie doesn't give her much to do except scream, cry and act as stupid as all of those teenage virgin victims from slasher films through the decades. The movie would be scary and effective if it wasn't so damn dark. Truly the movie is so incredibly dark that you can't make out what is going on half the time. When the movie ended, I felt as though I had chosen the lesser of two evils. I was very happy to not have seen JOHN CARTER, but oh so sorry that the only movie that was convienient timewise was SILENT HOUSE. Blech.

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