Saturday, March 17, 2012

Movie Review-----LIKE CRAZY

LIKE CRAZY is one of those independent films that does everything possible NOT to be a mainstream Hollywood movie. The acting is terrific from all involved, the screenplay is so subtle and beautifully crafted that it feels as though you are eavesdropping on honest conversations, the story is honest in it's simplicity and the conclusion of the film has that rare makes you nod your head and think that yes, that's exactly how these characters would end up. Jacob (Anton Yelchin) and Anna (Felicity Jones) meet as they are about to graduate from a college in Los Angeles. Jacob is an American and Anna is British. They fall completely in love with each other and dread graduation since Anna will have to back to London. The morning that Anna is to board the plane, she makes the decision to overstay her student visa and remain in the arms of the man she loves. I won't spoil anything else about the plot, but needless to say, Anna's choice is not a wise one and sets in motion this couple's eventual and inevitable fate. Anton Yelchin and Felicity Jones are incredible. They both say volumes with their eyes. I have never seen two actors so beautifully show the yearning and the "distraction" of love like these two. Both of them are mesmerizing. Jennifer Lawrence plays a small but important role, but the majority of the 90 minutes is spent in the company of Yelchin and Jones. Troy likes movies that have tidy complete endings, so when the credits began to roll at the end of LIKE CRAZY, he wasn't entirely pleased. There really isn't a "conclusion" to this film, although it's obvious what the final scene of the movie would have been had the story continued. I was grateful for the realistic non-Hollywood ending because as I've said before, life is messy.

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