Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Movie Review-----CHASING MADOFF

Sometimes the best stories are the true ones. CHASING MADOFF is a documentary about one man who lead a decade long crusade to expose the 50 billion dollar Ponzi scheme that Bernie Madoff was the leader of. This man, with four loyal people behind him, worked tirelessly for 10 years trying to convince the SEC and various media outlets like FORBES and THE WALL STREET JOURNAL that Madoff was up to no good. This movie plays like a thriller. In fact, someone in Hollywood needs to take this documentary and write a screenplay. It's an incredible story. The film has the actual players telling their own stories interwoven with heartbreaking testimonies from several of Madoff's victims who saw their entire life savings vanish before their eyes. Knowing the outcome of the investigation doesn't hinder the suspense that drives this tale of modern day heroes trying to convince the world that a super villain was getting away with one of the biggest financial crimes in history. My gut ached at times knowing how helpless the government was in initially foiling this crime and how the SEC refused to acknowledge that they had something going on under their noses that a small time money man in Boston could know before they did. I cannot recommend CHASING MADOFF enough. An outstanding documentary that is completely and unfortunately true.

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