Thursday, January 19, 2012

My Opinions.....nothing more, nothing less

I have enjoyed writing Reviews of movies, tv, and theater since I was in junior high. I first started writing them on my first electric typewriter and my first review was after seeing the movie WARGAMES starring a very young Matthew Broderick. When I started high school it was with the intention of getting thru the 4 years and then going to college to pursue a degree in journalism. However when I started high school, I began to lean more and more towards making a career out of playing the piano. And so, I put the idea of becoming the next Roger Ebert aside and focused everything on music. So, I have spent the past few decades acting as a frustrated Critic and have written reviews to movies and theater that have entertained no one but myself.
So, rather than continue having manila folders filled with printed reviews for my own enjoyment, I have decided to begin my own blog.
This is just for my own left-brain use and I don't truly expect anyone to pay attention or care what I think, quite frankly.
I will be writing Reviews on movies, television, and Broadway Shows. If I read a book or hear an album that makes an impression, I will comment on that as well. I will avoid writing anything about St Louis Theater unless I see something that truly blows me away because let's face it, I live here and I don't need any more enemies. Who does?
So, feel free to comment if you agree or disagree. The only people I truly expect to read this or even care are Friends....we can agree to disagree, correct?And if no one reads this or cares, so be it. This is just my way of keeping a long dormant dream of being Clark Kent alive.

1 comment:

  1. David I can't wait to read your blog! Every since you and I worked to gether in the play Fantastiks I've loved you!
